Control Centre (1.3.17)


The Cycloud Control Centre is the administrative interface to Cycloud technologies. It has been designed to be simple and uncluttered to enhance the administration experience of Cycloud technologies without compromising on effectiveness.

The Cycloud Control Centre is simple to install and use and has been designed to run on supported operating systems requiring the minimum hardware resources.

There are no technical software component pre-requisites required prior to beginning the installation however some information is required. This document explains how the installation should be completed.

This guide will also explain the various functionality within the Cycloud Control Centre and how this fits within the context of creating provisioning configurations.

Resources Required

Completed Cycloud Product Installation

The Cycloud “Product Installation” should have been completed prior to running the Cycloud controller installer. Details can be found at this link. Cycloud-Product-Installer This would have registered Cycloud with Azure and also setup the Cycloud Datastore both of which are crucial for the Cycloud controller to be able to work.

A Valid License File

License files can be obtained from Cycloud Resellers. A list of Cycloud resellers can be found at this link. Cycloud Resellers

The Cycloud Control Centre provides a means of adding the license to the Cycloud Datastore.

Information Required

Cycloud Datastore Path

The path to the Cycloud datastore is required during the Cycloud controller installation. This should be in UNC format. An example is as follows.

Example: <\\ServerName\ShareName>

Installation Process and Flow

The following diagram shows the full Cycloud installation process. For the rest of this document, we will be focusing on the Cycloud Control Centre.

The Cycloud Control Centre install process is a simple process and can be completed in a few seconds.

Cycloud Control Centre Pre-Installer Considerations

Prior to running the Cycloud Control Centre Installer there are some considerations to be assessed.

Supported Operating Systems

The Cycloud Control Centre Installer can be run on any machine running a supported Microsoft Windows operating system. Supported operating systems are as follows.

  • Windows Server 2016 (All Editions)
  • Windows Server 2019 (All Editions)
  • Windows 10 (All Multi-Session versions)

Hardware Resources

The Cycloud Control Centre application will require the following hardware resources

  • 500Mb (minimum) storage space on the system drive.
  • Approximately 100Mb of available free working memory

Local Network Access

The Cycloud Datastore is central to all Cycloud operations and as such needs connectivity from the machine selected to run the Cycloud Control Centre prior to installation. As the Cycloud Datastore is simply a Microsoft share this is a simple process. Microsoft shares require authentication so it is essential that the user installing the Cycloud Control Centre software has the permissions to read and write information to the Cycloud Datastore.

Domain Join

The Cycloud Control Centre machine should be a member of the same Domain as the machine hosting the Cycloud Datastore. This is simply for authentication purposes. Although this is not a requirement (Authentication can be performed with a workgroup arrangement) it is highly recommended.

Domain Controller as the Cycloud Control Centre Machine

For small WVD systems and test systems the Cycloud Control Centre may be installed on a Domain Controller. This is a supported configuration and reduces the infrastructure required for the Cloud system components.

Running the Cycloud Control Centre Installer

At this point the Cycloud Control Centre installation can be started.

It is important to note that the Cycloud Control Centre is not an application that has been designed to be shared between users so when it is installed it will be installed for the current user only. The installation path will be “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Programs\Cycloud Control Center” and cannot be changed. This is to ensure that the application can write temporary files within this directory.

Download the Cycloud 1.3.17 software and browse to the “Cycloud Control Centre 1.3.17” directory. Double click on the The self extracting installer (Cycloud-Control-Centre-Install.exe).

The first thing that is needed is for the Cycloud EULA to be agreed.

The next screen presents the option to create a desktop shortcut on the users desktop.

The next screen prompts for the Cycloud Control Centre to be installed.

The Cycloud Control Centre installer will take a few moments to complete the installation.

At the end of the installation the user will be prompted to launch the Cycloud Control Centre by checking the “Launch Cycloud Control Centre” check box or simply finishing the installation by clicking the “Finish” button.

Uninstalling the Cycloud Control Centre

Uninstalling the Cycloud Control Centre is performed by using the Control Panel “Programs” applet and selecting “Uninstall a program”.

Right clicking the Cycloud Control Centre application provide an option to uninstall the software.